It was December 1989, the Berlin Wall had fallen, and in Dresden, crowds were gathering outside the headquarters of the Stasi, the East German secret police, shouting insults and demanding access. Nearby, frantic KGB officers – the Soviet advisers whom the Stasi had long referred to as "the friends" – were barricaded inside their villa, burning papers. "We destroyed everything," remembered one of those officers, Vladimir Putin. "All our communications, our lists of contacts and our agents' networks … We burned so much stuff that the furnace burst." Toward evening, a group of protesters broke away from the Stasi building and started marching toward the KGB villa. Panicked, Putin called the Soviet military command in Dresden and asked for reinforcements. None were forthcoming. "I got the feeling then that the country no longer existed. That it had disappeared," Putin told an interviewer years later. "It was clear the union was ...
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