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Hong Kong: One Country, Two Systems

Introduction China pledged to preserve much of what makes Hong Kong unique when the former British colony was handed over more than two decades ago. Beijing said it would give Hong Kong fifty years to keep its capitalist system and enjoy many freedoms not found in mainland Chinese cities.  But it seems that these promises are fading. In recent years, Beijing has taken what critics say are brazen steps to encroach on Hong Kong’s political system and crack down on dissent. These moves sparked massive protests in Hong Kong and have drawn international condemnation. In 2020, Beijing passed a controversial national security law and arrested dozens of pro-democracy activists and lawmakers, dimming hopes that Hong Kong will ever become a full-fledged democracy. Is Hong Kong part of China?  Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China that has been largely free to manage its own affairs based on “one country ,  two systems,” a national unification

How Money Laundering Works?

The term "money laundering" originated from the Mafia group in the United States of America. Mafia groups have made huge amounts of extortion, gambling, etc. and this money is shown as legal money. In India, "money laundering" is popularly known as Hawala transactions. Meaning of Money Laundering: Money Laundering refers to converting illegally earned money into legitimate money. So Money Laundering is a way to hide the illegally acquired money. In the method of money laundering; money is invested in such a way that even the investigating agencies can’t trace the main source of wealth.  The person who manipulates this money is called "launderer". So the black money invested into capital markets or other ventures returns back to the real money holder as the legitimate money. Steps involved in Process of Money Laundering: 1.  Placement 2 . Layering 3.  Integration 1. Placement:  The first step in this process is the investment of black money in t

The Six-Day War

The Six Day war was the third large scale military confrontation between Israel and the Arab states which in turn was a result of the political tension that had existed for decades following the founding of Israel in 1948. Due to the territorial disputes that happened during the birth of Israel in 1948, a coalition of Arab nations invaded the Jewish state, leading to the First Arab Israeli War. The invasion failed but Israel lost territories to Jordan*, Egypt and Syria. The second major conflict was during the Suez Crisis of 1956-57 when Israel, with direct support from the United Kingdom and France, invaded Egypt in response to the nationalization of the Suez Canal. It was only the heavy pressure of the United States of America that forced Israel to withdraw from the Suez region in 1967. There was a period of relative calm during the late 1950s and early 1960s but it was only a calm before the coming storm. Arab leaders were not happy at the status-quo at the moment and sought to e

The Constitution of India

India is a 'Union of states' and is a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic, having a parliamentary type of government. The Indian Constitution is considered as the absolute law of our country, on the basis of which our country is ruled.     We all know that India got freedom from the British on 15th August, 1947. After independence, the first and foremost thing to be done was to create it's own Constitution. In order to create the constitution, a legislative body was formed that contained the people's elected representatives and was named as the 'Constituent Assembly'. A sub-committee was set up for drafting the constitution called the 'Drafting Committee'. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the chairman of this committee. He studied approximately 60 nations before drafting the Indian Constitution. That is why he is called the 'Father of Indian Constitution'.     The Indian Constitution has 448 articles, 103 amendments and 12 sche