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The Six-Day War

The Six Day war was the third large scale military confrontation between Israel and the Arab states which in turn was a result of the political tension that had existed for decades following the founding of Israel in 1948. Due to the territorial disputes that happened during the birth of Israel in 1948, a coalition of Arab nations invaded the Jewish state, leading to the First Arab Israeli War. The invasion failed but Israel lost territories to Jordan*, Egypt and Syria. The second major conflict was during the Suez Crisis of 1956-57 when Israel, with direct support from the United Kingdom and France, invaded Egypt in response to the nationalization of the Suez Canal. It was only the heavy pressure of the United States of America that forced Israel to withdraw from the Suez region in 1967. There was a period of relative calm during the late 1950s and early 1960s but it was only a calm before the coming storm. Arab leaders were not happy at the status-quo at the moment and sought to e